Alice in Wonderland Virtual Field Trip and Interactive Study Guide for Grades K-8th

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Alice in Wonderland Virtual Field Trip and Interactive Study Guide for Grades K-8th


AVAILABLE NOW: Savannah Stage Company’s first ever VIRTUAL FIELD TRIP! We send you everything you need to engage your K-8th students in a literary based theatre experience right to your computer screen!

This complete package includes:

  • link to watch the performance [filmed on stage at the Historic Savannah Theatre!]

  • Q&A with the artists that brought this story to life

  • grade appropriate interactive study guides that promotes GSE [Georgia Standards of Excellence]

Follow Alice as she finds herself in a new and strange place called "Wonderland". Here she meets a world of characters that have her examining, questioning, and most importantly - pushing her to dream, grow, and take chances far and wide!

Savannah Stage Company believes theatre should be as accessible as possible, regardless of your schools financial situation. Please call us at 912.421.9484 or email us at to find out more about our PAY WHAT YOU CAN POLICY.
